Friday, January 19, 2007

Everything in Monteration

Or would that be Montereytion? I need to watch that episode again, perhaps later tonight, to look for good references off of which to base the name for our new email address. And also, because I was struck with the troubling thought that it's possible that I'm mis-remembering and they just say "moderation", no pun, that I filled the pun in in my head. But I don't think so. I only am concerned because my dad failed to immediately recognize it when I referenced monteration. But they must have made the pun, otherwise the slogan would be too random. I thought of as a possibility, but it's not quite right, and besides, it's not exactly a great model to follow.

This post is to formally set out my goals for the spring semester. So, here they are:

I will eat one meal* before class every day, or around lunchtime on days I don't have class.
I will eat one meal between five and six-ish.
I will snack** in the mid afternoon.
I will snack around nine or ten.
I will take a vitamin every day.

*Meal = a moderate portion of food, say a sandwich or black bean burger or serving of pasta and salad.
**Snack = yogurt, hardboiled egg, sandwich, salad, humus, etc.

I will not eat after eleven at night.
I will not eat more than one slice of pizza at a time, and no more than once or twice a month.
I will not eat more than the equivalent of one order of dumplings or less than one order of beancurd at once, and no more than once or twice a month.
I will not eat desserts more than once a month, and then only a tiny, TINY portion.
I will not eat french fries.
I will not eat junk food like chips and popcorn.
I will NEVER eat pizza or Chinese food or anything when I'm not hungry, and whenever I do it will replace other food.

I will exercise Monday and Wednesday evenings whenever possible--weights, crunches, and 20 minutes of aerobic stuff.
I will go to folkdancing whenever possible.
I will walk around instead of sitting in my room whenever possible when I've got nothing to do.

I will not weigh myself until the end of spring semester.

Okay, those are the rules. And I'm really gonna do it! The semester's about fifteen weeks, maybe sixteen; I would hope to lose about ten pounds by the end of the semester. If I lose at least ten, I'll keep up this program (modified for summer schedule). If I lose less than five, I'll have to do more research about stricter diets and more intense exercise. So, we'll see...

In other news, today I cleaned the kitchen a little bit, and spent about $115 (of my parents' money lol, but just because it's their credit card; I'd give them the money back if they asked) buying things on the Hunger Site. I bought some goats for some family somewhere, a month of school supplies for kids in Afghanistan, and some book earrings for me, for which they donate 25 cups of food. Not much really. But more than I do most days, so it felt good.

That's about it for now. Time to figure out something to do until someone's around to chat with.


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