Tuesday, May 30, 2006

Ahh boredom...

Yeah...I'm sitting on the couch here with my laptop, my brother is playing a Yugioh video game, the Law and Order at four is a repeat of one we watched yesterday, and I just read an email from Mark asking me how to make blogs. So I went to the blogspot homepage. And there was a bright orange arrow saying "Create Your Blog Now". Numow! Umor Umelse! I like creating things. I created a myspace profile once, but that was for stalking purposes, not just out of nothing-else-to-do-ness. Anyway, I seem to have created a blog. I doubt I'll ever bother to use it...I've always had a weird mixed reactions to blogs. On the one hand, I think it's cool when people have blogs, and I enjoy reading them (the stalker in me, perhaps, mainly), and I enjoy babbling about my thoughts (as anyone who's ever gotten email from me probably has realized), but it seems odd to me to post my random musings on a web site and expect people to read them...or not expect people to read them, and then I'm just posting to no one, so why not just write things more privately? Of course, I post on our forum all the time, but in that setting there's more of an explicit sense that you're talking to people, not just putting something out there for no real apparent reason.

In any case, now at least no one else can steal the address ajolipa.blogspot.com, lol. And maybe it will be good for me, if I get into one of those moods where I want to be writing and I want to be exploring whatever's bouncing around in my head but I can't quite focus it all enough to create a real story or poem or essay, and I don't have anyone to converse with, and my friends are sick of getting long emails from me. *laughs*

And yes, I know "Soul Garden" is a silly title, cliche or pseudo-deep or something like that...but I couldn't think of anything, and a soul garden is something specific out of my personal mythology, and it was the best I could do for now. So sue me. Not like anyone will especially see this blog.

Okay enough babbling, time to go edit the template. Yay! Fun.


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